
What your purchases did today…

One of our students whose education is supported through Kayoong scholarships will be starting first grade at a new school this week. She has been reviewing what she learned last year, has her backpack and lunchbox ready and is so excited to begin classes and meet new friends.

However last week we found out she has scabies—as does her entire family and the neighbors who share the same small lot where they have built makeshift housing.

When you choose Kayoong:
– the artisan has been paid 6 times minimum wage for her handicraft.
– you provide skill training for women with disabilities.
– 30% of the price funds scholarships for orphans and children of widows.
– you provide emergency healthcare and microloan funds for women in Senegal.

Quand vous choisissez Kayoong :

– l’artisan a été payé 6 fois le salaire minimum pour son artisanat.
– vous offrez une formation professionnelle aux femmes handicapées.
– 30 % du prix finance des bourses pour les orphelins et les enfants de veuves.
– vous fournissez des soins de santé d’urgence et des fonds de microcrédit pour les femmes au Sénégal.

Because of your Kayoong purchases, we were able to immediately buy the necessary medications and the entire community can receive treatment at once. They will also receive clean linens to replace those that could lead to a reoccurrence.

And so, this little girl will be able to start first grade healthy and on schedule.

We wish you a wonderful year and are so proud of you for braving a new school, new teacher and new friends!